Businesses in the oil and gas industry are wrongly painted as evil. While former practices of the industry have recently been discovered as harmful, companies in the field are taking this feedback and improving their work in every conceivable way. News out of Canada indicates just how far the oil and gas industry has come, with the nation’s exploration and production (E&P) companies and cleantech startups leading the charge in greener, more sustainable efforts. Continue reading
Category Archives: Industry News
Barbara Bush Passes Away at 92
On April 17, 2018, after battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, and Graves’ disease, Barbara Bush passed away at her home in Houston, Texas at the age of 92. During a long and meaningful life, Barbara Bush served as both the First and Second Lady of the United States. During her tenure as First Lady, Bush dedicated herself to the cause of universal literacy and eventually founded the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Continue reading
New Zealand Ends Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration
Oil and gas businesses were shocked by the news today that New Zealand’s Labour government chose to ban future offshore exploration. The South Pacific nation is one of the first in the world to take such drastic, short-sighted measures, joining France, Belize, and Costa Rica.Continue reading
As the Canadian Oil and Gas Market Flounders, U.S. Companies Prepare for Increased Investments
Today, Canada’s federal government announced plans to spend upwards of $280,000 on a new study examining how competitive the northern nation is in the oil and gas industry. Natural Resources Canada prepared an advance contract award notice that was made public yesterday, calling for an outside supplier to conduct the work for the study, identifying international consulting firm Wood Mackenzie as the preferred candidate. The advance contract award notice stated that the Canadian oil and gas industry fell by over 50 percent between 2014 and 2016. Continue reading
American Oil & Gas Companies Build Relations with International Governments
This week, American oil and gas businesses stepped into the role of ambassadors representing their nation’s best interests abroad with deals in both Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Agreements struck with both international governments also demonstrate American dedication to bolstering economies outside of the United States, while providing jobs for hard-working oil and gas experts around the world. Continue reading